How to Keep Your Pooton Cool this Summer

Pootons have thick, wavy coats that catch the eye. While these coats are part of what makes Pootons so adorable, they can also be burdensome during the summer months. It’s hot enough outside, but especially so when you have a thick, fur coat around you. As such, you should take extra precautions with your Pooton… Read more »

How to Potty Train Your Havanese Puppy

Potty training isn’t something most owners look forward to. Nevertheless, it is an essential part to training your Havanese puppy. Havanese dogs are highly trainable, but potty training is difficult no matter the breed. Here, we discuss some of our top tips to making potty training your Havanese puppy easier. Are Havanese Puppies Hard to… Read more »

Do Cockapoos Bark A Lot?

Cockapoos are loving, affectionate, and loyal. They love their owners, but they also love meeting and playing with new people and animals. It’s no wonder, then, that so many people decide to bring a Cockapoo into their family home. As wonderful as this breed is, though, potential dog owners want to know what they’re in… Read more »

How to Choose the Best Dog Toys for Your French Bulldog

French bulldogs love to play with their toys. However, due to their playfulness and energy, you may find yourself replacing toy after toy as each one gets ripped to shreds. Either that, or some toys may be ignored by your Frenchie as they look for something more interesting to play with. But it doesn’t have… Read more »

Are Cavapoos Hypoallergenic?

Cavapoos are loyal and adorable. It’s no wonder why so many people want to adopt this breed! However, if you suffer from dog allergies, you may be longingly looking at pictures of Cavapoos believing you can never adopt one. Thankfully, this doesn’t have to be the case. What does it mean to be hypoallergenic? The… Read more »

Are Coton de Tulears Good Family Dogs?

When you’re looking to adopt a dog, there are certainly many factors to consider. One of the biggest factors is your living situation. If you have a large family with plenty of kids, you’ll want to make sure that your new four-legged friend gets along with everybody. Coton de Tulears are adorable, small dogs that… Read more »

French Bulldog Colors Explained

A French bulldog’s coloring can vary widely depending on their parents’ genes. Some may just have one solid color, while others have a mix spattering their coats. This delightful variety is why you’ll never have two bulldogs that are exactly alike, even if they come from the same litter! However, not all coat colors are… Read more »

How to Groom a Pooton

Pootons are adorable, small dogs with curly hair that makes them irresistible. However, that same curly, fluffy hair that makes them so cute also needs to be properly maintained. Here we discuss the steps you can take to groom your pooton puppy. Brush them daily A pooton puppy does not shed much. Nevertheless, their curly… Read more »

How to Protect Your Dog During Halloween

Ghosts and goblins aren’t the only things you have to worry about on Halloween. We should also worry about our dogs. While Halloween is a day of fun for us, it can be stressful for our four-legged friends. Plus, many of the treats we prize ourselves with are poisonous to dogs. Thankfully, there are ways… Read more »