How to Keep Your French Bulldog Safe This Summer

French bulldogs do not deal with the summer heat very well. Like all of their other brachycephalic dog breeds (such as English bulldogs, pugs, and more), French bulldogs can have difficulty breathing when they’re overexerted or overheated. Even if you live in a relatively cooler climate, there are still some steps you should take in… Read more »

Adopting a Puppy During the COVID-19 Crisis

In the midst of the coronavirus, it can seem like everything is dark and dreary. There is, however, some good news: pet adoption rates have soared, and many animal shelters and breeders are running out of adoptable animals. Indeed, now may be the perfect time for you to adopt a puppy, as not only will… Read more »

How to Introduce a Dog and Cat

When you adopt a puppy, chances are that they’re not the first animal you have adopted. If you have a cat at home, you’ll need to properly introduce your animals to one another to avoid any disasters. Here are some tips to get you started: Match their personalities If you want your dog and cat… Read more »

Exercising Your French Bulldog

Exercise is important for humans and dogs alike, but it can only be effective if done properly. French bulldogs, unlike their English counterparts, are a more active breed, so they require some exercise in order to stay healthy. If you’ve recently adopted a Frenchie into your family, then read over our tips on exercising your… Read more »

How to Groom a Cockapoo

When you first adopt a cockapoo puppy, you obviously want to take good of care of them. This includes feeding them well, walking them frequently, loving them, and, of course, grooming them. Grooming your cockapoo involves more than just going over their coat with a brush; there are steps that need to be taken for… Read more »

Coton de Tulears as Therapy Dogs

In recent years, therapy dogs have become popular companions for seniors, children, and people suffering from mental illnesses. However, not just any dog can become a therapy dog; they need to have the right temperament in order to truly assist someone. Coton de Tulears, for instance, are among the few breeds that make excellent therapy… Read more »

Are French Bulldogs Good with Kids?

You love French Bulldogs and have been dreaming of adopting one of your own someday. However, you also have kids, and you’d like to know if a French Bulldog puppy will get along well with your children. Well, don’t worry. Frenchies are great with kids, and they’ll quickly become a loyal companion to everyone in… Read more »

Are Havanese Dogs Hypoallergenic?

For many allergy-sufferers, owning a dog has been out of the question. That is, until recently. Many have been arguing that there is such a thing as hypoallergenic dog breeds, the Havanese being one of the most popular amongst them. The truth, however, is a bit more complicated. What are hypoallergenic dogs? Technically speaking, there… Read more »

How to Train Your Cockapoo Puppy

Cockapoos are a hybrid breed between Cocker Spaniels and Poodles. Both breeds are considered relatively easy to train, and the Cockapoo is no different. Nevertheless, there are certain ways to train your Cockapoo in order to get the best results. Here’s how: Positive reinforcement Cockapoos are energetic and sociable dogs. They’re also very sensitive. As… Read more »